Let’s have a clear picture of the function that various doctors play in a woman’s life before we get into the meat of our discussion. Women’s reproductive health is the focus of the practice of gynecologists in Noida. Obstetricians are medical professionals who specialize in the treatment of pregnant women and the time immediately following the birth of a child. They also perform the actual delivery of the child. In contrast, an OBGYN is trained to do all of these procedures.

When it comes to OBGYN visits, you may feel frightened, ashamed, and hesitant to open up about your most personal and sensitive concerns with a person you’ve never met before. It’s understandable if you’re a little apprehensive. As a result, we’ve created this guide to help you feel more at ease with your yearly visits to the OB/GYN and give you an idea of what to anticipate.

Annual OBGYN Exam: What You Should Know About the Gynecologist Before You Go

Is It Time to See a Gynecologist for the First Time?

You should see a gynecologist in Delhi for the first time between the ages of 13 and 17, according to our recommendations.

Please let us know if you have any concerns regarding your visit. To put your mind at ease, we’ll go through everything we’re doing to help you stay healthy.

What Can You Expect From Your First Visit to a Gynecologist?

Initial-time patients may be asked about their health and what to expect at future appointments during their first visit. A pelvic exam is not always necessary in this scenario.

You may require further testing if you have a history of health issues, such as a history of painful or heavy periods.

What is certain is that we are going to ask a lot of questions. This is how we get to know you so that we can help you. There are a couple of these questions that you may find awkward or uncomfortable to answer. If you’re having sex or not, we’ll talk about it as well. Honesty is a virtue worth pursuing.

There is no need to be concerned about your parents being in the room. We usually ask parents to stay outside while we ask you these personal questions for at least a portion of the time.

We’ll protect your privacy, but we encourage you to talk to your parent about these health concerns.

The date of your last period and the age at which you had your first period would be helpful to us. There are more questions that we may ask such as:

● Do you get periods that aren’t regular?
● Do you suffer from severe menstrual cramps?
● Is there any itching that you find distressing?
● Is sex on the agenda?
● Do you use condoms when having sex? Do you have a different method of birth control that you use?

You may be surprised to learn that gynaecologists are concerned with your whole health, not just your reproductive system. Tell us if you’re sad, overweight, or having trouble sleeping.

What Kind of Tests Must I Take?

  • A general physical examination will be performed on you. There may be a need for a blood test, therefore we will examine your blood pressure, heart rate, and weight. If you have conditions like pre-diabetes, this will help us identify them.
  • A sexually transmitted infection test may be administered if you’re having sex with us. We understand that talking about sex may be uncomfortable, but it’s part of our work.
  • In no way should you feel ashamed of coming to us for help. Your sex life is, in reality, really vital.
  • Remember that we chat to hundreds of women each year about their sex lives and their experiences. There is nothing to be concerned about. That’s OK with us.
  • Additionally, we’ll do an external genital examination. Your vulva—the region around your vagina—is what we’ll be looking at.
  • Alternatively, we may do a bimanual examination. We’ll insert two lubricated fingers into your vagina during this exam. We’ll examine your abdomen using the other hand. We can now feel your uterus and ovaries because of this. We can use it to look for abnormal growths or cysts.

Despite the discomfort, this shouldn’t do any harm. If you’re concerned, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

We’d be happy to address any concerns you may have. Having a nice first gynecological appointment is crucial to us.

At my scheduled appointment, will I be subjected to any tests?

When you come in for your appointment, you may expect the following examinations to be carried out.

An assistant might be present in the doctor’s office as well. In addition to assisting the doctor, the assistant can keep you comfortable and informed during the examinations.

● Exam of the outer vagina and labia: Your doctor will first check for any lumps, bumps, or concerns you may have about the outer vagina and labia.
● Next, the speculum pelvic exam is often performed. Doctors use a speculum to examine the cervix, which is located at the end of the vaginal canal. This procedure will be explained to you by the doctor, who will apply some lubricating jelly. Remember to notify your doctor if the speculum is hurting you. It should just be unpleasant.
● The doctor will do the pap smear while the speculum is in position. The cervix is scraped clean with a tiny brush during a pap smear. If you don’t feel any pinching at all, you’re good. Other non-invasive swabs for STD testing may be collected by your doctor.
● Bi-manual exam: The doctor will remove the speculum after the speculum exam and do a bi-manual exam. It’s called a “bi-manual” exam because the doctor uses both hands to check on your ovaries and uterus, one in the vagina and the other on top of your belly. Make careful to notify your doctor if you feel any discomfort throughout this procedure.
● A breast exam may also be requested by your doctor at this point. During a breast exam, your doctor will search for any suspicious lumps, skin abnormalities, or nipple changes while you are lying down.

If you want to live a long and healthy life, you must keep track of and be conscious of your reproductive health. Selecting a knowledgeable and dependable gynecologist is critical since you will be sharing many of your personal difficulties with them. Before deciding on a gynecologist in Noida, it’s important to conduct a comprehensive background check and consult with friends and family.