Cancer Screenings at Your Well-Woman’s Appointment

A gynecologist’s well-woman visit always includes a cancer check. At your gynecologist’s office, she can perform a breast exam, Pap test, and colonoscopy to check for cancer. Breast, cervical, and rectal cancers can all be detected using these. In the United States, women should see a gynecologist every year, and girls should begin seeing one between the ages of 13 and 15 years old.

To detect breast cancer, your physician examines the breasts for lumps or swollen lymph nodes as well as changes in the skin. Regular home self-breast exams are also encouraged, but a professional exam is always preferred. A self-breast exam can be performed at home in between appointments if you ask your doctor how. Be sure to consult your physician as soon as you discover a lump in your breast while at home.

Cervical cancer is detected using Pap smears, which look for any abnormal cells in the cervix. You may also be tested for HPV, a virus that can lead to cervical cancer, by your doctor. A Pap smear abnormality is usually harmless, so if your gynecologist advises additional testing, you don’t need to be alarmed. A colposcopy may be recommended by your gynecologist in order to check for cancer. A colposcopy is a procedure that helps your doctor examine your cervix and look for abnormal cells. A rectal exam or stool test may be used to detect colorectal cancer. Colon cancer, also known as rectum cancer, is a type of cancer that develops in the large intestine.


There is no screening for ovarian cancer that may be done at a well-appointment. woman’s When it comes to ovarian cancer risk or symptoms like bloating and abdominal discomfort in women, your gynecologist may offer an ultrasound, bloodwork, or another test.

Screening for Cancer Has Many Advantages

Preventative cancer screenings are critical for women’s health, even if they follow a healthy diet and engage in regular physical activity. It is important for patients to regard tests as an investment in their future, as early detection of cancer increases the likelihood of a positive outcome. If you or a family member has had cancer in the past, be sure to tell your doctor about it when you see him or her. Counseling in cancer genetics may be recommended by your doctor, who can look for gene variants that raise your lifetime chance of acquiring certain cancers. In the event that a gene mutation is found, you will be better educated about your own risks, and more aggressive yearly screening may be suggested.

Schedule an Appointment

A well-visit, woman’s genetic counseling, or cancer screening appointment can be scheduled by calling Dr. Shikha or by filling out the online appointment form. Pregnant women who are at high risk for problems will receive exceptional care from our experts. There are a variety of gynecological services that we provide in order to satisfy the needs of each customer.

About Us




Dr. Shikha Joshi is the top Gyneclogyst in Greater Noida and works in Kailash hospital having 15 years of experience in delivering world-class services to her patients, she is assisting women of every age ... Read More


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