Uterine Fibroids

Fibroids are fibrous tumors composed of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue. In the womb, they grow. Fistulae are common among women of childbearing age, however, not all are detected. Fibroid tumors are quite frequent in the human body. Only one-third of these fibroids are big enough for a healthcare professional to detect during a physical examination.

The majority of fibroid tumors aren’t malignant. These tumors aren’t cancerous and don’t put a woman at greater risk of developing uterine cancer as a result. A softball or little grapefruit can be as big as a pea.

Types of fibroids in the uterus

Uterine fibroids can be divided into three categories:

● Outside of the uterus, fibroids known as subserosal fibroids develop
● Pedunculated fibroids have peduncles, or bases, which are subserosal fibroids that have the ability to sustain themselves.
● Submucosal fibroids – The least frequent form of fibroid, submucosal fibroids develop in the uterine muscle layer in the center.

The causes of fibroids in the uterus

There is no known etiology for uterine fibroids, although variables such as:

● Because fibroids tend to run in families, this is a common occurrence You’re more likely to have fibroids if you have a first-degree relative who has them.
● Pregnancy – Fibroids can develop when your body’s estrogen and progesterone levels increase.
● Uterine fibroids appear to be stimulated by the ovaries production of estrogen and progesterone. After menopause, fibroid size decreases because of a drop in hormone levels.

Risks factors for uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are more likely to form if you have a number of risk factors.

Urinary fibroid risk factors include:

● Fibroids in the uterus run in the family
● Idiosyncratic (older women are at higher risk than younger women)
● At a younger age, African American women are more likely to have fibroids that are bigger and more numerous.
● Uterine fibroids can cause obesity as a symptom.

Uterine fibroids often go undetected until a routine checkup or prenatal visit reveals the presence of the tumors. The size, quantity, and location of fibroids may impact the intensity of symptoms in those who do experience them. Fibroids in the uterus can be as little as a single cell or as big as a ball. The number of fibroids in a woman’s body varies from person to person.

The most common symptoms of uterine fibroids include:

● Menstruation with very severe hemorrhage
● Longer-than-weekly menstrual cycles are common.
● Pressure on the groin
● Urinary incontinence
● You’re having a hard time urinating.
● Prolonged constipation
● Backache
● In rare cases, intense pain occurs when the fibroid has exhausted its blood supply and is dying, resulting in sharp discomfort.

Diagnosis of uterine fibroids

In the course of a pelvic exam, your gynecologist or primary care physician can make the diagnosis of uterine fibroids. In the pelvic exam, your doctor will examine your uterus’ size, shape, and overall health.

The following tests may be ordered by your doctor if they believe you have fibroids:

● There are two types of transvaginal ultrasounds: those that employ sound waves to create pictures of the uterus and those that use ultrasound wands that are passed into the vagina to see the uterine lining and find fibroids.
● If you’ve ever wanted to know what’s going on within your reproductive organs, you’ve come to the right place.
● Test for a complete blood count (CBC) — a CBC test can assist determine if your symptoms are being caused by uterine fibroids or not.

An Individualized Approach to Therapy

If you have fibroids and need treatment, Dr. Shikha can provide a variety of alternatives based on your symptoms and future plans to have children.
Your treatment approach will be individualized to your unique requirements and may include medication, counseling, hormonal treatment, endometriosis surgery, and alternative treatments. It’s possible that your doctor will advise you to use a practice known as “watchful waiting,” in which you and your doctor watch for symptoms and only treat them if they become problematic. Nonsurgical and surgical options are available if you are experiencing pain, discomfort, or pressure due to fibroids.

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Dr. Shikha Joshi is the top Gyneclogyst in Greater Noida and works in Kailash hospital having 15 years of experience in delivering world-class services to her patients, she is assisting women of every age ... Read More


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